Integrated Marketing

  • Digipos Digital Display

    Digipos Digital Display

    An API integration between a website and a digital signage provider. The digital signs are displayed in stores, a website can be used to update the details shown in the stores on demand. Application Programming Interface (API): Software integrated with digital signage service provider. Items Supplied: Middleware

  • Boost Juice Web To Print Platform

    Boost Juice Web To Print Platform

    A web to print application that allows Franchise  users to produce custom printed brochures. Including personaisation details such as stock items and price points. Web design and content management services including: Work included user interface design for the website, incorporation of a content management system, database development and front end/back end development. Items Supplied: Website

  •  LJ Hooker Property Guide Tool

     LJ Hooker Property Guide Tool

    An online tool that allows Real Estate Managers to produce PDF artwork for property guide catalogs based on customised features such as properties listed, agent details and photographs. Solution architecture: Project was scoped with client using technical specifications conforming to a UML framework. Custom application development including delivery “as a service”: Deliverable for the engagement…

  • LJ Hooker Web To Print Platform

    LJ Hooker Web To Print Platform

    A web to print application that allows Franchise  users to produce custom printed material. Including personaisation details such as properties and agent details. Application Programming Interface (API): Software integrated with REAXML service provider. Web design and content management services including: Work included user interface design for the website, incorporation of a content management system, database development…

  • Woolworths Visual Merchandinsg Audit App

    Woolworths Visual Merchandinsg Audit App

    A mobile app used for auditors inside retail stores, to capture images and details of display advertising fixtures. For compliance and asset management. Solution architecture: Project was scoped with client using technical specifications conforming to a UML framework. Efficiency and optimisation: Project included standard protocols for printing technologies. Processes were implemented to minimise touch points…

  • Variable Data Images: Adobe Photoshop Add On

    Variable Data Images: Adobe Photoshop Add On

    Variable Data Images is a Photoshop Add On that let’s users merge variable data with a photoshop document. The Add On allows variable text to substitute point or paragraph text in a photoshop template; including an option to automatically resize text if it causes overflow. Layers in the photoshop template can be turned on or…