
  • WordPress Plugins

    WordPress Plugins

    WordPress is a web content management system. A popular and robust platform for creating and maintaining websites. WordPress plugins are custom software that “plug into” a WordPress site. WordPress plugins can extend and provide extra features to a base WordPress installation. Allowing any kind of website to be built using the WordPress platform. B.J de…

  • Variable Data Images: Adobe Photoshop Add On

    Variable Data Images: Adobe Photoshop Add On

    Variable Data Images is a Photoshop Add On that let’s users merge variable data with a photoshop document. The Add On allows variable text to substitute point or paragraph text in a photoshop template; including an option to automatically resize text if it causes overflow. Layers in the photoshop template can be turned on or…

  • HTML5 for Flash Developers

    HTML5 for Flash Developers

    Update: Adobe Flex and the Flash platform have been retired. Adobe are sponsoring a set of javascript libraries and tools called CreateJS. CreateJS includes a javascript library called Easel JS which allows developers to manipulate the HTML5 canvas element using familiar concepts and coding techniques found in Actionscript 3.

  • Jungle Shoot Out – Game (HTML5)

    Jungle Shoot Out – Game (HTML5)

    Jungle Shoot Out is an interactive platform shooter game based on King Features Syndicate’s The Phantom ©.